You can win only if you are able to convince the sellers that their unwanted items can be converted into profit, if they sold it to you. If they call you back, you are in control. You can rely on luck as well, when you go to any yard sale. But selling on eBay is a serious business and you need to have collectibles coming on without fail. There is no point in relying completely on luck because there are others waiting to take your place. You require a system wherein the items come to you constantly. Besides, there are many people who prefer selling their items online through eBay, even though Internet is full of popular websites. There are some guidelines that you can follow for success.
Developing an outstanding marketing plan is very important. Make sure that your plan is an outline of how you plan to convince the sellers. Create a strategy that the seller cannot refuse to accept. It should be very effective as this is the psychology of creating a win-win situation. No seller would want to lose, so make sure to tell them that they are getting a good deal because this will bring you more business. Networking also works to a great extent. Don't hesitate in asking people, if they have any collectibles, they would like to sell. Spread word in your community that if anyone is interested in selling collectibles, then they can contact you. Another important strategy is to show off the collectibles and antiques you have. This can be done in any manner you like. People can see your collection and many can even call you to sell their collectibles. Write a letter to your local real estate agents and inform them about your interest in paying cash for unwanted antiques or collectibles.
You can get in touch with other dealers and tell them that you will buy any collectible or antique, they do not want. You can pay people to find items for you. If someone finds something for you, then don't forget to pay that person the finders' fee. You definitely will succeed in finding treasure troves of priceless collectibles and antiques, if you make an effort and have the patience to search for items online, on eBay.