eBay?s Marketplace Research provides data for both buyers and sellers. Information that is available includes top searches, average start prices and average sales prices. This vital information moves sellers down the path of how to make money selling on eBay.
There are currently three levels available. They start with Fast Pass, then Basic and finally Pro. Depending on your specific needs, each offers a menu of options.
Fast Pass is the least expensive. It provides up to 60 days of historical data. You can pay as you go in 2-day increments.
Basic is the intermediate level. It provides up to 60 days of historical data. Basic is purchased on a monthly basis. There is added data, including the number of successfully sold items.
Pro offers the highest level that is currently available. Pro provides up to 90 days of historical data. It is purchased on a monthly basis. In addition to the 90 days of data, there is additional data in several categories.
Do you want to know how to make money selling on eBay? Arm yourself with historic data regarding top searches, average start and sale prices and more.
There is power in knowledge. Collect the data, analyze the data and soon the power could be yours. Find out more about eBay?s Marketplace Research.
To Your eBay Success!